Audio Guestbook
Capture authentic and unfiltered Voicemail Messages at your event from your guests! You send us an audio file with your greeting (which we will help you with) and load this onto the phone prior to your event. Your guests then pick up the phone, listen to your greeting and leave a msg after the BEEP! A video containing all of your messages will be uploaded to your online gallery!

Standard Guestbook with craft signing table
FREE with all packages
Black cover with white pages
Black cover with black pages
Natural cover with natural pages

Premium Guestbook with craft signing table
Custom text on wooden hardcover​
Custom design
Choose your font, binding colour and page colour
Additional $165

Other extras that are included FREE with all packages!
Your choice of backdrop along with modern, fun props are included free with every package. We will choose the props for your event to customise your experience even further to suit your theme. We have a range of Wedding props, Birthday props, Party props and even Corporate party props!